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Custom duties exemptions on Corona virus vaccines and limited medical and laboratory equipment for prevention and treatment of Corona virus issued by decree No 7445 on 10 February 2021

Custom duties exemptions on Corona virus vaccines and limited medical and laboratory equipment for prevention and treatment of Corona virus issued by decree No 7445 on 10 February 2021


Corona virus vaccines and limited medical and laboratory equipment for prevention and treatment of Corona virus shall be exempt from custom duties including minimum, internal consumption, 3% lump-sum fees.

The items listed by the Ministry of Public Health are as follows:

-        COVID-19 Vaccines

-        Denatured ethyl alcohol, of any strength

-        Ultra-Violet irradiation equipment for disinfection purpose

-        Dry ice (solid carbon dioxide)

-        Freezing equipment

-        Flowmeter, thorpe tube for oxygen 0-15L/min

-        Pulse oximeter

-        Medical oxygen

-        Pressure swing adsorption oxygen for central oxygen supply system

-        Portable contamination chambers or tunnels

-        Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware

To benefit from the said exemption, each customs statement shall be accompanied by a detailed regulation of items certified by the Ministry of Public Health.

احدث المواضيع


البوابة القانونية الالكترونية الأشمل و الأكثر استخداما في لبنان