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Decree Number 5144 issued on July 11, 2019 -Ministry of Youth and Sports

Decree Number 5144 issued on July 11, 2019 -Ministry of Youth and Sports



The Ministry of Youth and Sports in Lebanon issued a Decree with the objective of raising the minimum wage and wages of public organizations related to Youth, Sports and Scouts, and to establish the cost of living allowance for beneficiaries, retirees and wage scale according to the lists mentioned in the Lebanese Official Gazette issue No 34.

Break down of this Decree

The minimum wage of salaries and wages in public organizations related to Sports, Youth, and Scouts is now LBP 675, 000. Each respective beneficiary shall be granted the closest amount of payment listed in their respective column of salaries under the list titled “In force according to the basis of wages dated 01/05/2008” within the scale relevant to the beneficiary’s occupation, which shall be applied on the beneficiary according to his/hers rank, and determining the increase or decrease of the beneficiary’s salary. Each beneficiary concerned shall be allocated the new salary corresponding to his/her old ranking, and the new ranking in correspondence with the old rank with the right of eligibility to qualify for further classification.

The beneficiary who has reached a high ranking based on the scale of salaries and wages that he/she is subject to, shall benefit every two years from an increase in ranking with a wage corresponding to that rank.

Those salary scales are an integral part of this decree.

As of 21/08/2017, the payment of the cost of living allowance shall be suspended and the amounts received of any kind shall be considered against the amounts received from 07/02/2012 until the date of entry into force of this law, which may not be redeemed and does not generate entitlement to the difference in compensation or remuneration.

This Decree also states that an architect does not benefit from the tables of salaries and wages that are specifically aimed at architects except if the architect’s occupation falls under the job functions of an architect.

This Decree adds on the monthly compensation of retired beneficiaries of public organizations related to sports, youths, and scouts an increase in the cost of living allowance is calculated based on certain mechanisms:

  •  Deduction from the monthly compensation the increase amount that has been added under law No. 63 dated 31/12/2008.
  • Addition to the balance the increase in the cost of living allowance:

. 100% on the first part of it up to 400 thousand Lebanese pounds, provided that the increase is not less than 375 thousand Lebanese pounds

. 9 % in second part of it up to 4000 LBP, provided that it does not exceed one million and five hundred thousand LBP 

. Nothing added on the part that exceeds one million and five hundred thousand LBP

  • The monthly compensation shall not be calculated as a result of the increase as set forth above on the salary of the budget or the nearest equivalent in the salary series of the same or similar job in the general administrative staff after conversion in accordance with the law No 47/2017, while taking into consideration added amounts that previously took place.


In order to calculate the value of the daily wage, the new monthly wage shall be divided into thirty and the fraction of one thousand LBP shall be divided into one thousand LBP in favor of the beneficiary.


Under Law number 47 dated 21/08/2017, the basis for the calculation of the wages of public organization of Sports, Youth and Scouts shall be done under the table named “the first class salary under the wage scale of the public sector” instead of the “Minimum wage of the public sector”. In addition, as of the date of entry into force of this law, the methods to calculate the periodic amount increase due to the beneficiary for every 24 months is based on how long he/she spends in active service in the public organization for Sports, Youths and Scouts. Accordingly, the law has enforced on beneficiaries- 35 working hours per week and the immediate superiors and the central inspection authorities shall be held responsible for the following up on the beneficiary’s working hours.

Finally, Married women may benefit from a part-time for special reasons for a maximum of three years during their period of service. Part-time means that the beneficiary of this duty shall work half the number of hours prescribed by law, provided that the rotation of the hour shall be for the benefit of the administration.

The family benefits, the National Social Security Fund's contribution and other compensation or contributions shall continue to be fully utilized. The public organization for Sport, Youth, Scouts and the Designated Entities shall perform all that is in its favor the legally required contribution in favor of the National Insurance Fund.  It is absolutely prohibited of the beneficiary of this duty to engage in any paid work or any profession of any kind as it is a violation that causes threat in which its liability is in accordance with the regulations in force-A violation shall consider one full year of working as a half a year in service with respect to the ranking and compensation.

احدث المواضيع


البوابة القانونية الالكترونية الأشمل و الأكثر استخداما في لبنان