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Decision No. 567/1 issued on August 7, 2019 on Decision concerning the settlement of the costs related to taxes collected by General Directorate of Finance, submitted before the objection committee

Decision No. 567/1 issued on August 7, 2019 on Decision concerning the settlement of the costs related to taxes collected by General Directorate of Finance, submitted before the objection committee


Decision concerning the settlement of the costs related to taxes collected by General Directorate of Finance, submitted before the objection committee.

The Minister of finance has decided upon the decision concerning the settlement of the costs related to taxes collected by the General Directorate of Finance in accordance with Decree No 4304 dated 31/01/2019, and article 41 of law No, 144 of 01/07/2019 and upon the recommendation of the Ministry of Finance; the following:

The taxpayers charged by the General Directorate of Finance, who wish to make the settlement referred to in Article 1 of the present Decision, shall submit a written letter to the competent tax unit that has issued the contested order within a time limit expiring on 31/12/2019 inclusive, in which they shall determine the amount of the contested taxes, which are the subject of the settlement, with a notification for the amount due.

The tax-payer could settle 25% of the settlement payment within the specified time-limit, as long as he/she mentions the aforementioned in a written letter, and settle the rest of the amount in three annual installments, first of which shall become due one year after the first payment of the settlement amount. Also, the installments would have to include the interest rate amount that is specified in the tax procedure law.

The value of the tax settlement shall be equal to 50% of the value of the contested taxes, and this amount does not include the collection fines due under the contested payment orders. 

With regards to business partnerships and their income tax, the request for settlement shall be submitted under the name of the company for the tables issued in its name and in the name of each partner for the tables issued in his/her name.

With respect to VAT, the settlement request is submitted in the name of the company.

احدث المواضيع


البوابة القانونية الالكترونية الأشمل و الأكثر استخداما في لبنان