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Penal Law

Penal Law


Legislative decree No.340 is the official criminal code of Lebanon that came into force on 01/03/1943 repealing the ottoman penal code.

Upon the proposal of the minister of justice and based on the decision of the council of ministers dated 27/02/1943, the draft of the law was prepared by a commission chareid by Fouad Ammoun, and composed by judge Wafic Al-Kassar and judge Philippe Boulos in 1943.

It was inspired by the swiss penal code, italian penal code, and the french legislation.

It is a comprehensive pillar that intends to cover all substantive aspects of criminal law and is divided into a general and a special part.

The general part includes common rules for all types of crimes and the special part determines the provisions of each crime seperately.

The objective of this law is to maintain law and order in society by preventing the occurrence of crimes, punish and rehabilitate the criminals and compensate the victims.

Up to date and modernized, the lebanese criminal code remains the body of law after almost a century.

The most recent amendments were made by :

-law No.256 of january 5, 2022, amending article 604 of the penal code on the spread of epidemics.

-law No.267 of january 5, 2022, amending articles 554,555,556,557 and 559 of the penal code in terms of strengthening legal protection for doctors and their assistants and hospital workers.

-law No.268 of january 5, 2022 amending article 567 of the penal code on helping a person in danger.

احدث المواضيع


البوابة القانونية الالكترونية الأشمل و الأكثر استخداما في لبنان