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SADER in collaboration with LexisNexis on the first trilingual French Civil code

SADER in collaboration with LexisNexis on the first trilingual French Civil code


After tremendous hard work and dedication, SADER Publishers honorably announces the launch of the first trilingual French Civil code in collaboration with LexisNexis.

The trilingual Civil Code which involves the French, English and Arabic language has been published with an aim to facilitate access and the understanding of the French Civil system to all backgrounds.

In light of the above, SADER Publisher’s would like to take this opportunity to thank LexisNexis’s team whom has only portrayed exceptional commitment to producing distinguished results, and SADER Publisher’s translation team who co-edited the code and worked hard for such a distinct publication.

SADER Publishers holds in high esteem its collaboration with LexisNexis, a collaboration that has always promised and delivered leading outcomes.



احدث المواضيع


البوابة القانونية الالكترونية الأشمل و الأكثر استخداما في لبنان